
I Don't Mind Stealing Bread From the Mouths of Decadence

(Temple of the Dog, Hunger Strike)

What a weekend.

Friday night, Amanda and I went to Fogo de Chao for David's birthday. That place is amazing! A bit more expensive than I'm used to, but I probably ate my money's worth.

Saturday I got to visit with a good friend who was in town to see her family, and meet her adorable 10-month old son. Later that afternoon our friend Neola came in to visit us, and we had dinner at One Midtown Kitchen, where I enjoyed the calamari appetizer, steak frites, and a warm chocolate truffle cake with a scoop of mint chocolate ice cream for dessert, all for $25 thanks to Restaurant Week.

Yesterday we decided to get out and walk off some of what we ate the night before, so we cruised over to the midtown Obama campaign office and picked up some voter registration materials, then went down to the Grant Park Festival and walked around for two hours or so, getting people to register to vote. It was pretty fun (though we really weren't there for a very long time), and it was kind of exciting to get involved and participate in some of the efforts on Obama's behalf. Then last night we cooked dinner at home (chicken with pineapple and rice) and watched Be Kind Rewind, which was pretty weird, but also pretty funny.

Today I cooked buckweat pancakes with strawberry maple syrup and some turkey sausage for breakfast, and we took Neola over to Decatur and walked around for a bit, then picked up a few things at the Dekalb Farmer's Market on the way home for dinner (my signature chicken with spicy tomato chutney, with rice and curry cauliflower). Right now I'm watching the Tennessee/UCLA game, and then we're probably going to pop in a movie.

I have to say I'm exhausted, and I think that's mainly from eating. I think I'm still tired from eating dinner on Friday night. Seriously, if you have some cash to drop, and a stomach whose boundaries you really want to test, then head to Fogo de Chao. And don't fill up on bread (or even eat any at all).