(Survivor, Burning Heart)United States v. Australia isn't exactly an age-old rivalry, but hey, this is the Olympics. I'm rooting against countries I didn't even know existed (when did Ivory Coast change it's name to Cote d'Ivoire??), so of course I was happy to see the Redeem Team (dumb) pull it together after the first quarter and dismantle the Aussies today, on their way to the semifinals against either Greece (boo!!) or Argentina (boo!! - sorry Manu). Hopefully Spain (boo!!) will beat Lithuania (boo!!) in their semifinal game so we can show those racist dogs who's boss in the final game.
I've been getting pretty into the Olympics this year. I always think I'm not really into the Summer Olympics, but I think I just forget how much fun they are, due to the fact that they're four years apart and only last two weeks. The Winter Olympics are always awesome - skiing and snowboarding are just too cool to forget about being excited for. But this year's Summer games have been great - I'm pretty sure I've never cared much about swimming (thanks, Phelps, you goofy looking bastard), women's gymnastics (check out this video of Alicia Sacramone knocking out some dude in his backyard), women's sand volleyball (Misty May sounds like a pornstar's name), or synchronized diving, but lately, I've been happy to watch it all and pretend that I understand why a 16.45 score is supposed to be so awesome. (Amanda, did you see that!! He got a 16.45!! That is unreal!!)
Of course, I have no idea what separates a 16.45 from a 15.25, nor do I understand why they don't just give them scores of 1-10 and then add them all up like they used to. Either way, keep at it, Team USA. After this is over, it's time for most of you to go back to school or find jobs, so enjoy it while it lasts.