(Wilco, Company in My Back)The Bar exam is over. The two topics I knew absolutely nothing about, no matter how much I studied them and practiced writing essays on, were nowhere to be seen on the test. Needless to say, I was very excited about this. Oh, I bombed (at least) one question, to be sure, but I definitely did better on that question than I would have on one of those other topics, so I've got that going for me. Check back on May 23 to find out how I did.
In other news, Wilco just finished their 5-night stay at the Riviera Theater in Chicago. Those Chicagoans don't know how good they have it. I would pay one million pesos for a CD/DVD set of that gig. I have been able to find nights 4 and 5 available for download, though, so if you're interested, you can get them here (part one and part two of night 4) and here (night 5). Night 4 was the WXRT broadcast, which is fine, because the quality is really good, but you get a little radio chatter, station identification type stuff, and they also muted out the "shit" in "Company in My Back", which, I mean, come on. Really? But if that doesn't bother you, then you'll definitely enjoy it.
They're playing tonight at the 9:30 club in D.C., which NPR is streaming on their website. I'm sure it will also be put into the archive of concerts on their website, they usually have a pretty good collection of concerts to listen to on the web.
I've been listening to some new music as well lately, but I haven't absorbed it enough yet to say anything, so I'm going to reserve comment until a later date. But if you ever had the desire to make up a band name and a name for your band's album, along with cover art for the CD, then check this out. I suppose you could just do this with some imagination and a camera, but it's still pretty cool. My band's name was "twenty second pulse" and the album's name was "get to the garage." Random, possibly a bit ridiculous, but it was a lot of fun to play with.
Got the family coming in this weekend to celebrate both Mom and Dad turning 60, which means that 80% of my readership will be in my apartment. Maybe instead of posting, I should just make snarky comments out loud?