(The Clash, Lost in the Supermarket)I don't have much of an in-depth analysis about last night's episode of Lost, but I do have a few thoughts, so I'm just gonna do a quick 5-Points, and then go study:
1. I know the big twist at the end was that Kate is raising Aaron as her own, but I suspected that could happen as early as the season premiere 3 weeks ago, and around midway through the episode, when they were making a big deal about Kate having a son and not wanting him to be put on display and dragged into the trial, but not showing him or referring to him by name, I was sure of it. It's still a HUGE piece of evidence, though, as to what must have happened on the island before they got rescued, because Claire would absolutely never allow Aaron to be taken off and not go with him. Which leads me to...
2. So, clean-shaven future Jack testifies at Kate's trial, and clearly perjures himself by telling the little lie about nurse Kate fixing everyone's boo-boos after the crash. But we now know part of the story that Jack didn't want Hurley talking about 3 weeks ago. According to his testimony, there were only 8 survivors of the crash, and 2 of them died on the island. Well, well. That is quite a story, and despite the fact that it is a lie, it could be a sly hint as to what is yet to come. Namely, if Aaron is off the island with Kate, and she clearly was not pregnant when the plane crashed, there's no way (barring a severe time discrepancy, which is also still a possibility) the baby is biologically hers, so part of their story has to involve Aaron's mother being one of the survivors who doesn't make it. Claire dies, there's my point. Claire dies. Just a prediction.
3. The scene where Charlotte Staples Lewis is helping Daniel "Why Am I Still Wearing a Tie After Being on this Island for At Least 2-3 Days" Faraday with his memory exercises cracked me up. I'm sure it's going to have more significance (as in, maybe that's why he didn't know why he was crying in the flash-forward showing him watching television footage of the "wreckage" underwater), but to me, last night, it just looked like she was teaching him how to play 3-Card Monty.
4. When Locke brought Ben breakfast and a book to read (how sweet), Ben told him that he'd already read it. Locke's response was something to the effect of, "Read it again, you never know what you might have missed the first time." That means, I'm going to go back and watch this episode again, to see what I might have missed. BTW, Locke sure went off the reservation, huh? Stuffing that grenade in Miles' mouth was pretty harsh, notwithstanding the fact that it was probably a dud, intentionally. Speaking of Miles...
5. 3.2 million dollars? Seems like quite a specific number, if you ask me. Possibly the amount that each of the "Oceanic 6" receive in their settlements? Either that, or it's some sort of code, and Miles is actually Ben's spy on their boat (not Michael, as I originally thought).
6. I know, I said 5. Sue me. But don't really. Anyway, I also wanted to say that I don't think Aaron will count as one of the "Oceanic 6", because he wasn't actually a passenger on the flight. So I still think we only know 4 of the 6 (Jack, Kate, Hurley and Sayid). I also thought that Ben didn't count as one of them, and maybe he still doesn't, but at this point, I think it could be possible that he ends up giving Jack some sort of advantage over Locke in exchange for being taken off the island himself, since he no longer has the power he once did there. Maybe that's part of their secret as well, in that he would have to assume the identity of someone who was on the flight but died, either in the crash or afterwards. Then again, this could be a pretty ridiculous line of discussion, so I'm gonna drop it now, but reserve the right to analyze further at a later date.