
It's Not Going to Stop Till You Wise Up, No, It's Not Going to Stop, So Just ... Give Up

(Aimee Mann, Wise Up)

Last night was a good night, thanks to North Carolina and Indiana voters. With strong results in Kentucky and West Virginia in the next two weeks, it seems like Obama might be able to get the Supers to start sacking up and finally making some decisions, so the party can stop tearing itself apart from within.

Undaunted by yet another disappointing showing at the polls (and unwilling to stop tearing the party apart from within), Hillary Clinton remains committed to beating a dead horse, giving us the following display of delusion from her "victory speech" in Indiana, where she picked up three more delegates than did Obama (who outgained her by 20 in North Carolina):

"I believe that Americans need a champion in their corners," she said at a rally in Indianapolis. "For too long we've had a president who has stood up and spoken out for the wealthy and the well-connected, but I don't think that's what Americans need."

Because nothing says opposite of wealthy and well-connected like a woman who had an income of $110 million over the last 7 years, and is the wife of a former president.