(Air Supply, Lost In Love)
Happy?I was nowhere near as captivated by this episode as I was by last week's, when Ben "don't call me Henry" Linus went all Jason Bourne on those dudes in the desert. We did get some minor answers, but I think I like it better when they introduce more mystery, and there wasn't that much mystery introduced last night. Although, to be fair, I was still in a bit of a food coma from the steaks and grilled veggies Amanda and I had for dinner.
1. Jack proposing to Kate might have been the single most boring moment of this entire series that didn't involve Nikki and/or Paulo. I don't need non-stop action all the time, but if I wanted to watch a chick flick, I'd pop in my You've Got Mail dvd. (Disclosure: I don't own You've Got Mail on dvd. I own it on vhs. But I don't have a VCR. Life's funny like that sometimes.)
2. I certainly did not mind Kate's casual wear. That is one smokin' hot someone-else's-baby-raising woman.
3. Speaking of raising someone else's baby, in the beginning, before we saw Kate in the shower, Amanda nailed that Jack was at Kate's house, but how awesome was it that Jack stepped on one of Aaron's toys and it just happened to be the Millenium Falcon?? For those of you who are inexplicably not Star Wars fans, what I'm referring to is that Luke Skywalker was raised by his Uncle Owen after his father was "killed in battle". Raised by his uncle? Sound like someone else who got off the island and calls Kate "mommy?"
3a. At some point, my guess is before they leave the island, Jack finds out that Claire is his father's daughter. (Christian Shephard sure has spread his seed, hasn't he?) That's why Jack didn't want to be with Kate (and see Aaron) after the trial, which Kate conveniently alluded to last night with her "I'm so glad you changed your mind" comment. Snoozeville. Now go get me a beer so I can wash down these painkillers.4. I almost crapped my pants when drunk Mel Gibson ran out of the jungle with the first aid kit. I like that guy, though, and the tension between the helicopter people and the rest of the boat people is good drama. Sawyer should have taken out that Keamy guy while he was hiding in the bushes.
5. The scene when Jack went to visit Hurley would have been the creepiest scene in the show, if it wasn't for the creepiness of Claire waking up and seeing Christian Shephard cuddling with Aaron in the jungle. Seriously, that gave me the willies. He looked like he was some sort of zombie or something, like he was about to eat the baby. I couldn't tell if he was holding the baby because he knew it was his grandson, or because he was hallucinating and thought it was a candied ham.
5a. And how about that scene with Hurley? "You're not supposed to raise him?" We're to assume that he's referring to Aaron. Either way, Hurley's not doing very well.
6. I love that Sawyer sleeps with a gun in his hand. And Sawyer chose to stay on the island! So, we know that it wasn't necessarily a case of the Oceanic 6 saving their own asses at everyone else's expense. What was it that Kate was doing for him, though? (I was hoping she'd say she was doing something for Ben. That would have been jarring, to say the least.) If he chose to stay on the island, what could he need her to do back in the real world? Maybe something regarding his daughter? I never really thought there was a daughter, I totally thought he was getting conned by that chick and the warden, in that episode where he was in prison last season, but maybe there really is a daughter.
7. Miles has turned out to be a pretty cool character - his "I see dead people" thing is not bad at all. I thought it was awesome how he heard Rousseau and Carl when they came upon that clearing in the jungle. He's slowly taking over from Daniel "this tie must be double-knotted, otherwise I'd have taken it off by now" Faraday as my favorite of the four helicopter people. Bringing up the rear, again, is Charlotte Staples Lewis, despite the fact that she speaks Korean and evidently has no control over her facial expressions. Seriously, what was she doing with her face when Jin walked away after their little discussion? I've never seen anyone make that expression before. If anybody has this episode on their DVR, go back and watch this part, and tell me if you can figure out what this is supposed to be.
8. Who is this Bernard dude? He's a dentist, right? I get that he would be helpful in a surgical procedure, but last week he's deciphering morse code, and last season he's a sharpshooter in the beach attack?? A dentist? Got to be some more to that.
Next week should be good stuff. Btw, check out that picture of the Lost character toys at the top. Hurley's accessory is a scale. Hilarious.