(Wilco, Kamera)Well, I didn't think I had too much to say about last night's Juliet episode, but I guess I do.
1. Ben sure is a creep, huh? "You're mine!" They should have taken that even further, like when Juliet came over for the dinner party, instead of opera, he should have been playing Michael Jackson & Paul McCartney's "The Girl Is Mine" on repeat on the stereo. And what about him sending Goodwin off to probable death, just to get him out of the picture! Very King David of him.
2. Where did Ben get that footage of Mr. Widmore (aka Caleb Nichol) beating the crap out of some dude in an airplane hangar? It would have been awesome of they had used old footage of him from The OC for that scene. I probably would have crapped my pants. I considered it just thinking about it.
3. Speaking of crapped pants, I mean, speaking of Ben having the videotape of Mr. Widmore, it was on the tape marked "Red Sox." Are we to assume that footage of Mr. Widmore was taken AFTER Ben showed Jack the footage of the Red Sox winning the 2004 World Series (after stunning the Yankees to come back from 3 games down, no less!)? If so, that means it's fresh footage, and would have been obtained sometime after that, but before Ben became Locke's prisoner again, which seems to be roughly a three-week window, notwithstanding any time-shift issues. Of course, it could be that Ben is just a huge Red Sox fan and has an overabundance of "Red Sox" labelled videotape, or that he labels all of his videotapes that way, in case anybody finds his porn collection. Anything's possible.
4. Harper, the therapist. Goodwin's wife. Did they get married because neither of them had a proper first name? They were probably making a list of possible baby names including Miller, Jones, Smith, McKenzie (in case they had a girl), and the like. And what happened (other than Juliet sleeping with her husband repeatedly, leading ultimately to his death) to turn Harper from a normal looking and sounding person in the therapy sessions to some sort of terminator-type robotic-voiced woman standing in the rain talking to Juliet in the beginning of the episode? Speaking of, how did she disappear so quickly? Are the Others all ninjas?
5. I say again, Michael is Ben's man on the boat. Bank on it. I was hoping we'd get that news last night, but I can wait another week.
6. Not sure what to think about Faraday and Charlotte Staples Lewis disarming the nuclear gas leak, or whatever that thing was, in the Tempest station. It seems like there's no other explanation for what they were doing, since once they were done, things stabilized and the warning sirens stopped going off. But here's the thing. They claim that the gas is Ben's personal stash of WMD's, basically, and it clearly looked like some bad mojo was about to happen until they stopped it. But if that was the case, who set it off in the first place? Ben, or someone who works for him? And if THAT is the case, then why did Harper warn Juliet about where they were going, since Harper is still clearly on Ben's side? Is it possible they really were trying to set it off and kill everyone on the island, and they had to stop at the last minute because Juliet showed up and went Superfly on both of them, ripping off their gasmasks so they'd be exposed as well? It seems like they'd probably still have gone through with it, if that was their intention, so I'm sort of confused on this part.
7. The preview for next week says we will meet "the LAST member of the Oceanic 6." That means that we've either got the first 5 already, or they're going to give us both 5 and 6 next week. I think, based on that, we've got the first 5, then, otherwise, they would have said something like "the last 2 members of the Oceanic 6." I could be wrong, it's just what I think. If that is the case, and we know Jack, Kate, Hurley and Sayid are in, that leaves only Ben and Aaron as possibilities, since those are the only other people we've seen off the island in the future (aside from Charlie's ghost). I don't like either of them as part of the group, because neither of them were on the plane, but if that's what we've got, then I think it's got to be Aaron. Either way, as far as what we're getting next week, my money's on Sun. Without Jin.
Feel free to leave comments below, let me know if you think I'm insane, or just disturbingly obsessed.